Megapascal (MPa) to Megapascal (MPa) converter

The Megapascal (MPa) in Pressure

What is Megapascal (MPa)

The megapascal (MPa) is a unit of pressure that is commonly used in various fields, including engineering and physics. It is defined as one million pascals, where one pascal (Pa) is equal to one newton per square meter (N/m2). Thus, 1 MPa=106 Pa. The unit is widely adopted due to its ability to simplify calculations in contexts that involve high-pressure measurements.

The megapascal fits into the International System of Units (SI) and is often used to express pressures in materials science, fluid mechanics, and structural engineering. When discussing everyday applications, it can be helpful to understand how MPa relates to other pressure units.

Common conversion values

Below are some commonly used conversion values from megapascal (MPa) to other pressure units:

  • 1 MPa=9.869233 atm
  • 1 MPa=10.19716 at
  • 1 MPa=10 bar
  • 1 MPa=104 mbar
  • 1 MPa=107 Ba
  • 1 MPa=103 kPa
  • 1 MPa=104 hPa
  • 1 MPa=106 Pa
  • 1 MPa=7500.617 Torr
  • 1 MPa=101971.6 kgf/m²
  • 1 MPa=10.19716 kgf/cm²
  • 1 MPa=0.1019716 kgf/mm²
  • 1 MPa=1 MN/m²
  • 1 MPa=103 kN/m²
  • 1 MPa=106 N/m²
  • 1 MPa=102 N/cm²
  • 1 MPa=1 N/mm²
  • 1 MPa=0.1450377 ksi
  • 1 MPa=20885.43 psf
  • 1 MPa=145.0377 psi
  • 1 MPa=750.0615 cmHg
  • 1 MPa=7500.615 mmHg
  • 1 MPa=7500615 µmHg
  • 1 MPa=24.60832 ftHg
  • 1 MPa=295.2998 inHg
  • 1 MPa=101.9716 mH₂0
  • 1 MPa=10197.16 cmH₂0
  • 1 MPa=101971.6 mmH₂0
  • 1 MPa=334.5526 ftH₂0
  • 1 MPa=4014.631 inH₂0

Understanding these conversions is essential for anyone working with pressure measurements in different contexts.

Megapascal to Megapascal conversion table

MPa to MPa conversion table

Megapascal (MPa)Megapascal (MPa)
0.01 MPa0.01 MPa
0.1 MPa0.1 MPa
1 MPa1 MPa
2 MPa2 MPa
3 MPa3 MPa
4 MPa4 MPa
5 MPa5 MPa
6 MPa6 MPa
7 MPa7 MPa
8 MPa8 MPa
9 MPa9 MPa
10 MPa10 MPa
10 MPa10 MPa
20 MPa20 MPa
30 MPa30 MPa
40 MPa40 MPa
50 MPa50 MPa
60 MPa60 MPa
70 MPa70 MPa
80 MPa80 MPa
90 MPa90 MPa
100 MPa100 MPa
1 000 MPa1 000 MPa
2 000 MPa2 000 MPa
3 000 MPa3 000 MPa
4 000 MPa4 000 MPa
5 000 MPa5 000 MPa
6 000 MPa6 000 MPa
7 000 MPa7 000 MPa
8 000 MPa8 000 MPa
9 000 MPa9 000 MPa
10 000 MPa10 000 MPa