Block (block) to Kilobyte (kB) converter

Converting from Block (block) to Kilobyte (kB)

What is Block (block)

A block is a unit of data storage typically representing a fixed amount of memory space. In computing, a block can vary in size depending on the context, but it is often used to manage data efficiently by storing and transferring information in fixed chunks.

What is Kilobyte (kB)

A kilobyte, denoted as kB, is a unit of digital information storage equal to 1000 bytes. It is commonly used to measure the size of small files or storage capacities in computing systems. Kilobytes are essential for understanding the amount of data that can be stored or transferred within a system.

Conversion Formulas

The default conversion between block and kilobyte is as follows:

  • 1 block = 0.512 kB
  • 1 kB = 1.953125 blocks

Other conversions include:

  • 2 block = 1.024 kB
  • 2 kB = 3.90625 blocks
  • 8 block = 4.096 kB
  • 8 kB = 15.625 blocks
  • 9 block = 4.608 kB
  • 9 kB = 17.57812 blocks

To convert from block to kilobyte, you can use the formula:


And to convert from kilobyte to block:



  • Converting 5 blocks to kilobytes: 5 block×0.512=2.56 kB
  • Converting 3 kilobytes to blocks: 3 kB×1.953125=5.859375 block

This conversion page simplifies the process of converting between block and kilobyte units, allowing for easy navigation and accurate calculations when dealing with data storage in computing systems.

Block to Kilobyte conversion table

block to kB conversion table

Block (block)Kilobyte (kB)
0.01 block0.00512 kB
0.1 block0.0512 kB
1 block0.512 kB
2 block1.024 kB
3 block1.536 kB
4 block2.048 kB
5 block2.56 kB
6 block3.072 kB
7 block3.584 kB
8 block4.096 kB
9 block4.608 kB
10 block5.12 kB
10 block5.12 kB
20 block10.24 kB
30 block15.36 kB
40 block20.48 kB
50 block25.6 kB
60 block30.72 kB
70 block35.84 kB
80 block40.96 kB
90 block46.08 kB
100 block51.2 kB
1 000 block512 kB
2 000 block1 024 kB
3 000 block1 536 kB
4 000 block2 048 kB
5 000 block2 560 kB
6 000 block3 072 kB
7 000 block3 584 kB
8 000 block4 096 kB
9 000 block4 608 kB
10 000 block5 120 kB