Block (block) to Mebibit (Mib) converter

Converting from Block (block) to Mebibit (Mib) | Data storage (1KB=1000B)

What is Block (block)

A Block, in the context of data storage, refers to a fixed-size unit of data often used in filesystems or storage devices. It typically consists of multiple bytes and is the minimum amount of data that can be read or written at a time.

What is Mebibit (Mib)

A Mebibit (Mib) is a unit of digital information storage equal to 2^20 bits, or 1,048,576 bits. It is commonly used in reference to data transfer rates or storage capacities in computing.

Conversion Formulas

The default conversion between Block and Mebibit is as follows:

  • 1 (block) = 0.00390625 (Mib)
  • 1 (Mib) = 256 (block)

For other conversions, you can use these formulas:

  • 3 (block)=0.01171875 (Mib)
  • 3 (Mib)=768 (block)
  • 6 (block)=0.0234375 (Mib)
  • 6 (Mib)=1536 (block)
  • 4 (block)=0.015625 (Mib)
  • 4 (Mib)=1024 (block)


  • Example 1: Convert 3 blocks to Mebibits
    • Using the formula: 3 (block)×0.00390625=0.01171875 (Mib)
  • Example 2: Convert 4 Mebibits to blocks
    • Using the formula: 4 (Mib)÷0.00390625=1024 (block)

This page provides a simple way to perform conversions between Block (block) and Mebibit (Mib) for data storage purposes.

Block to Mebibit conversion table

block to Mib conversion table

Block (block)Mebibit (Mib)
0.01 block0.0000390625 Mib
0.1 block0.000390625 Mib
1 block0.00390625 Mib
2 block0.0078125 Mib
3 block0.01171875 Mib
4 block0.015625 Mib
5 block0.01953125 Mib
6 block0.0234375 Mib
7 block0.02734375 Mib
8 block0.03125 Mib
9 block0.03515625 Mib
10 block0.0390625 Mib
10 block0.0390625 Mib
20 block0.078125 Mib
30 block0.1171875 Mib
40 block0.15625 Mib
50 block0.1953125 Mib
60 block0.234375 Mib
70 block0.2734375 Mib
80 block0.3125 Mib
90 block0.3515625 Mib
100 block0.390625 Mib
1 000 block3.90625 Mib
2 000 block7.8125 Mib
3 000 block11.71875 Mib
4 000 block15.625 Mib
5 000 block19.53125 Mib
6 000 block23.4375 Mib
7 000 block27.34375 Mib
8 000 block31.25 Mib
9 000 block35.15625 Mib
10 000 block39.0625 Mib