Megabyte (MB) to Byte (B) converter

Converting from Megabyte (MB) to Byte (B) | Data storage (1KB=1000B)

What is Megabyte (MB)

A Megabyte (MB) is a unit of digital information storage equal to 1,000 kilobytes or one million bytes. It is commonly used to measure the size of files, programs, or storage capacities.

What is Byte (B)

A Byte (B) is the basic unit of digital information that consists of 8 bits. It is used to represent a single character such as a letter, number, or symbol in a computer system.

Conversion Formulas

To convert from Megabytes to Bytes, you can use the formula:


To convert from Bytes to Megabytes, you can use the formula:



  • 16 Megabytes (MB) is equal to 16,000,000 Bytes (B)
  • 7 Megabytes (MB) is equal to 7,000,000 Bytes (B)
  • 6 Megabytes (MB) is equal to 6,000,000 Bytes (B)
  • 16 Bytes (B) is equal to 0.000016 Megabytes (MB)
  • 7 Bytes (B) is equal to 0.000007 Megabytes (MB)
  • 6 Bytes (B) is equal to 0.000006 Megabytes (MB)

Use this page to perform converting from Megabyte (MB) to Byte (B) for your data storage needs.

Megabyte to Byte conversion table

MB to B conversion table

Megabyte (MB) Byte (B)
0.01 MB 10000 B
0.1 MB 100000 B
1 MB 1000000 B
2 MB 2000000 B
3 MB 3000000 B
4 MB 4000000 B
5 MB 5000000 B
6 MB 6000000 B
7 MB 7000000 B
8 MB 8000000 B
9 MB 9000000 B
10 MB 10000000 B
10 MB 10000000 B
20 MB 20000000 B
30 MB 30000000 B
40 MB 40000000 B
50 MB 50000000 B
60 MB 60000000 B
70 MB 70000000 B
80 MB 80000000 B
90 MB 90000000 B
100 MB 100000000 B