Millicoulomb (mC) to Milliampere-second (mAs) converter

Converting from Millicoulomb (mC) to Milliampere-second (mAs) | Electric charge

What is Millicoulomb (mC)

A Millicoulomb (mC) is a unit of electric charge equivalent to one thousandth of a coulomb. It is commonly used to measure small amounts of electric charge in various electrical applications.

What is Milliampere-second (mAs)

A Milliampere-second (mAs) is a unit used to measure the quantity of electricity transferred in a circuit. It is the product of current in milliamperes and time in seconds.

Conversion Formulas

The conversion between Millicoulombs (mC) and Milliampere-seconds (mAs) is straightforward due to their direct relationship. The default conversions are:

  • 1 (mC) = 1 (mAs)
  • 1 (mAs) = 1 (mC)

For other conversions, the relationship remains constant:

  • 13 (mC) = 13 (mAs)
  • 13 (mAs) = 13 (mC)
  • 8 (mC) = 8 (mAs)
  • 8 (mAs) = 8 (mC)
  • 16 (mC) = 16 (mAs)
  • 16 (mAs) = 16 (mC)


To illustrate the conversions:



When converting between Millicoulombs and Milliampere-seconds, simply substitute the value given into the corresponding unit, according to the established conversion rate.

Use this page to perform converting from Millicoulomb (mC) to Milliampere-second (mAs) effortlessly.

Millicoulomb to Milliampere-second conversion table

mC to mAs conversion table

Millicoulomb (mC)Milliampere-second (mAs)
0.01 mC0.01 mAs
0.1 mC0.1 mAs
1 mC1 mAs
2 mC2 mAs
3 mC3 mAs
4 mC4 mAs
5 mC5 mAs
6 mC6 mAs
7 mC7 mAs
8 mC8 mAs
9 mC9 mAs
10 mC10 mAs
10 mC10 mAs
20 mC20 mAs
30 mC30 mAs
40 mC40 mAs
50 mC50 mAs
60 mC60 mAs
70 mC70 mAs
80 mC80 mAs
90 mC90 mAs
100 mC100 mAs
1 000 mC1 000 mAs
2 000 mC2 000 mAs
3 000 mC3 000 mAs
4 000 mC4 000 mAs
5 000 mC5 000 mAs
6 000 mC6 000 mAs
7 000 mC7 000 mAs
8 000 mC8 000 mAs
9 000 mC9 000 mAs
10 000 mC10 000 mAs