Megajoule (MJ) to Kilojoule (kJ) converter

Converting from Megajoule (MJ) to Kilojoule (kJ) | Energy

What is Megajoule (MJ)

Megajoule (MJ) is a unit of energy in the International System of Units (SI). It is equivalent to one million joules (J). This unit is commonly used to measure large amounts of energy, such as in the industrial and scientific fields.

What is Kilojoule (kJ)

Kilojoule (kJ) is another unit of energy in the SI system. It is equal to one thousand joules (J). Kilojoules are often used to express smaller amounts of energy, such as in nutrition labels to indicate the energy content of food.

Conversion Formulas

To convert from Megajoules (MJ) to Kilojoules (kJ), you can use the following formula:

Kilojoules (kJ)=Megajoules (MJ)×1000

And to convert from Kilojoules (kJ) to Megajoules (MJ), the formula is:

Megajoules (MJ)=1000Kilojoules (kJ)


  • 11 Megajoules (MJ) is equal to 11000 Kilojoules (kJ)
  • 9 Megajoules (MJ) is equal to 9000 Kilojoules (kJ)
  • 6 Megajoules (MJ) is equal to 6000 Kilojoules (kJ)

This page can be used to perform conversions between Megajoules (MJ) and Kilojoules (kJ) easily. Whether you are working with large industrial energy values or monitoring the energy content of your meals, understanding how to convert between these two units is essential.

Megajoule to Kilojoule conversion table

MJ to kJ conversion table

Megajoule (MJ)Kilojoule (kJ)
0.01 MJ10 kJ
0.1 MJ100 kJ
1 MJ1 000 kJ
2 MJ2 000 kJ
3 MJ3 000 kJ
4 MJ4 000 kJ
5 MJ5 000 kJ
6 MJ6 000 kJ
7 MJ7 000 kJ
8 MJ8 000 kJ
9 MJ9 000 kJ
10 MJ10 000 kJ
10 MJ10 000 kJ
20 MJ20 000 kJ
30 MJ30 000 kJ
40 MJ40 000 kJ
50 MJ50 000 kJ
60 MJ60 000 kJ
70 MJ70 000 kJ
80 MJ80 000 kJ
90 MJ90 000 kJ
100 MJ100 000 kJ
1 000 MJ1 000 000 kJ
2 000 MJ2 000 000 kJ
3 000 MJ3 000 000 kJ
4 000 MJ4 000 000 kJ
5 000 MJ5 000 000 kJ
6 000 MJ6 000 000 kJ
7 000 MJ7 000 000 kJ
8 000 MJ8 000 000 kJ
9 000 MJ9 000 000 kJ
10 000 MJ10 000 000 kJ