Feet (ft) to Fathom (ftm) converter

Converting from Feet (ft) to Fathom (ftm)

What is Feet (ft)

Feet (abbreviated as ft) is a unit of linear measurement commonly used in the United States and other countries that follow the imperial system. One foot is equivalent to 12 inches or approximately 0.3048 meters. This unit is typically used to measure shorter distances, such as the height of buildings, the length of rooms, or the size of objects. Feet are a familiar measurement for many people, especially in everyday contexts like construction, real estate, and personal height.

What is Fathom (ftm)

A fathom (abbreviated as ftm) is a unit of measurement that is primarily used for measuring the depth of water. One fathom is equal to 6 feet or approximately 1.8288 meters. The term "fathom" has maritime origins, referring to the distance between a person's outstretched arms, which was historically used to measure the depth of water. Although it is less commonly used on land, fathoms are essential in navigation, marine activities, and underwater exploration.

Conversion Formulas

To convert between feet and fathoms, you can use the following formulas:

  1. For converting feet (ft) to fathoms (ftm):

  2. For converting fathoms (ftm) to feet (ft):



Here are some examples of converting between feet and fathoms:

  1. Converting 3 ft to fathoms:

  2. Converting 10 ft to fathoms:

  3. Converting 4 ft to fathoms:

  4. Converting 3 ftm to feet:

  5. Converting 10 ftm to feet:

  6. Converting 4 ftm to feet:


To summarize the process, use the appropriate formulas for converting between feet and fathoms. This knowledge will help you navigate conversions efficiently.

Feet to Fathom conversion table

ft to ftm conversion table

Feet (ft)Fathom (ftm)
0.01 ft0.001666667 ftm
0.1 ft0.01666667 ftm
1 ft0.1666667 ftm
2 ft0.3333333 ftm
3 ft0.5 ftm
4 ft0.6666667 ftm
5 ft0.8333333 ftm
6 ft1 ftm
7 ft1.166667 ftm
8 ft1.333333 ftm
9 ft1.5 ftm
10 ft1.666667 ftm
10 ft1.666667 ftm
20 ft3.333333 ftm
30 ft5 ftm
40 ft6.666667 ftm
50 ft8.333333 ftm
60 ft10 ftm
70 ft11.66667 ftm
80 ft13.33333 ftm
90 ft15 ftm
100 ft16.66667 ftm
1 000 ft166.6667 ftm
2 000 ft333.3333 ftm
3 000 ft500 ftm
4 000 ft666.6667 ftm
5 000 ft833.3333 ftm
6 000 ft1 000 ftm
7 000 ft1 166.667 ftm
8 000 ft1 333.333 ftm
9 000 ft1 500 ftm
10 000 ft1 666.667 ftm