Hectometer (hm) to Feet (ft) converter

Converting from Hectometer (hm) to Feet (ft)

What is Hectometer (hm)

A hectometer (hm) is a unit of length in the metric system, equivalent to 100 meters. It is often used in scientific contexts or to measure distances like those used in agriculture or sports. Since it is part of the metric system, it is a convenient measure for various applications, especially in countries that primarily use metric units.

What is Feet (ft)

A foot (ft) is a unit of length used in the imperial system. One foot equals 12 inches or approximately 0.3048 meters. The foot is commonly used in the United States and countries that have not fully adopted the metric system. It is often utilized in everyday measurements, such as height or distance.

Conversion Formulas

To convert between hectometers and feet, you can use straightforward formulas based on the default conversions:

  • From hectometers to feet:

  • From feet to hectometers:



  1. Converting 1 hectometer to feet:

    1 hm=1 hm×328.084=328.084 ft
  2. Converting 12 hectometers to feet:

    12 hm=12 hm×328.084=3937.008 ft
  3. Converting 16 hectometers to feet:

    16 hm=16 hm×328.084=5249.344 ft
  4. Converting 9 hectometers to feet:

    9 hm=9 hm×328.084=2952.756 ft
  5. Converting 12 feet to hectometers:

    12 ft=12 ft×0.003048=0.036576 hm
  6. Converting 16 feet to hectometers:

    16 ft=16 ft×0.003048=0.048768 hm
  7. Converting 9 feet to hectometers:

    9 ft=9 ft×0.003048=0.027432 hm

With these formulas and examples, you can easily perform conversions from hectometers to feet and vice versa.

Hectometer to Feet conversion table

hm to ft conversion table

Hectometer (hm)Feet (ft)
0.01 hm3.28084 ft
0.1 hm32.8084 ft
1 hm328.084 ft
2 hm656.168 ft
3 hm984.252 ft
4 hm1 312.336 ft
5 hm1 640.42 ft
6 hm1 968.504 ft
7 hm2 296.588 ft
8 hm2 624.672 ft
9 hm2 952.756 ft
10 hm3 280.84 ft
10 hm3 280.84 ft
20 hm6 561.68 ft
30 hm9 842.52 ft
40 hm13 123.36 ft
50 hm16 404.2 ft
60 hm19 685.04 ft
70 hm22 965.88 ft
80 hm26 246.72 ft
90 hm29 527.56 ft
100 hm32 808.4 ft
1 000 hm328 084 ft
2 000 hm656 168 ft
3 000 hm984 252 ft
4 000 hm1 312 336 ft
5 000 hm1 640 420 ft
6 000 hm1 968 504 ft
7 000 hm2 296 588 ft
8 000 hm2 624 672 ft
9 000 hm2 952 756 ft
10 000 hm3 280 840 ft