Yard (yd) to Nautical mile (NM) converter

Converting from Yard (yd) to Nautical mile (NM)

What is Yard (yd)

A yard (yd) is a unit of length in the imperial system of measurement. It is equal to 3 feet or 36 inches. Yards are commonly used in the United States and the United Kingdom for measuring lengths of fabric, land, and other objects.

What is Nautical mile (NM)

A nautical mile (NM) is a unit of length commonly used in navigation and maritime contexts. It is defined as one minute of latitude along any meridian and is approximately equal to 1.15078 statute miles. Nautical miles are exclusively used in international air and sea travel.

Conversion Formulas

The formula to convert from yards to nautical miles is:


To convert from nautical miles to yards, you can use the formula:



  • 17 yards is equal to 0.008393521 nautical miles
  • 13 yards is equal to 0.006418575 nautical miles
  • 10 yards is equal to 0.004937365 nautical miles


  • 17 nautical miles is equal to 34431.32 yards
  • 13 nautical miles is equal to 26329.83 yards
  • 10 nautical miles is equal to 20253.72 yards

Use this page to perform converting from Yard (yd) to Nautical mile (NM) for your convenience.

Yard to Nautical mile Conversion Table

yd to NM Conversion Table

Yard (yd) Nautical mile (NM)
0.01 yd 0.000004937365 NM
0.1 yd 0.00004937365 NM
1 yd 0.0004937365 NM
2 yd 0.000987473 NM
3 yd 0.00148121 NM
4 yd 0.001974946 NM
5 yd 0.002468683 NM
6 yd 0.002962419 NM
7 yd 0.003456156 NM
8 yd 0.003949892 NM
9 yd 0.004443629 NM
10 yd 0.004937365 NM
10 yd 0.004937365 NM
20 yd 0.00987473 NM
30 yd 0.0148121 NM
40 yd 0.01974946 NM
50 yd 0.02468683 NM
60 yd 0.02962419 NM
70 yd 0.03456156 NM
80 yd 0.03949892 NM
90 yd 0.04443629 NM
100 yd 0.04937365 NM