Conversor de Centímetro por hora (cm/h) para Segundos por milha (spm)

Converting from Centimeter per hour (cm/h) to Seconds per mile (spm) | Speed

What is Centimeter per hour (cm/h)

Centimeter per hour (cm/h) is a unit of speed used to measure the distance traveled in centimeters in one hour.

What is Seconds per mile (spm)

Seconds per mile (spm) is a unit of speed used to measure the time taken to travel one mile in seconds.

Conversion Formulas

To convert from Centimeter per hour (cm/h) to Seconds per mile (spm), you can use the following formulas:

Convert cm/h to spm:spm=cm/h×579363800


  • 6 (cm/h) to Seconds per mile (spm):

    6 (cm/h)=6×579363800=96560640 (spm)
  • 4 (spm) to Centimeter per hour (cm/h):

    4 (spm)=4×579363800=2317455200 (cm/h)
  • 5 (cm/h) to Seconds per mile (spm):

    5 (cm/h)=5×579363800=115872800 (spm)

Utilize esta página para efetuar a conversão de Centímetro por hora (cm/h) para Segundos por milha (spm).

Tabela de conversão de Centímetro por hora para Segundos por milha

Tabela de conversão de cm/h para spm

Centímetro por hora (cm/h) Segundos por milha (spm)
0.01 cm/h 57936380000 spm
0.1 cm/h 5793638000 spm
1 cm/h 579363800 spm
2 cm/h 289681900 spm
3 cm/h 193121300 spm
4 cm/h 144841000 spm
5 cm/h 115872800 spm
6 cm/h 96560640 spm
7 cm/h 82766260 spm
8 cm/h 72420480 spm
9 cm/h 64373760 spm
10 cm/h 57936380 spm
10 cm/h 57936380 spm
20 cm/h 28968190 spm
30 cm/h 19312130 spm
40 cm/h 14484100 spm
50 cm/h 11587280 spm
60 cm/h 9656064 spm
70 cm/h 8276626 spm
80 cm/h 7242048 spm
90 cm/h 6437376 spm
100 cm/h 5793638 spm