Milliсurie (mCi) to Microсurie (µCi) converter

Converting from Milliсurie (mCi) to Microсurie (µCi) | Radioactivity

What is Milliсurie (mCi)

A Milliсurie (mCi) is a unit of radioactivity that represents one thousandth (1/1000) of a curie. It is commonly used to measure the intensity of radioactive decay.

What is Microсurie (µCi)

A Microсurie (µCi) is a smaller unit of radioactivity, equivalent to one millionth (1/1,000,000) of a curie. It is often used when dealing with smaller quantities of radioactive materials.

Conversion Formulas

The conversion between Milliсurie (mCi) and Microсurie (µCi) can be done using the following formulas:

  • To convert from mCi to µCi: µCi=mCi×1000

  • To convert from µCi to mCi: mCi=1000µCi


  1. Converting 9 mCi to µCi:

9 mCi=9×1000=9000 µCi

  1. Converting 13 µCi to mCi:

13 µCi=100013=0.013 mCi

  1. Converting 6 mCi to µCi:

6 mCi=6×1000=6000 µCi

By using the given conversions, it is easy to switch between Milliсurie (mCi) and Microсurie (µCi) units when working with radioactive materials.

Use this page as a reference guide for converting between Milliсurie (mCi) and Microсurie (µCi) effortlessly.

Milliсurie to Microсurie conversion table

mCi to µCi conversion table

Milliсurie (mCi)Microсurie (µCi)
0.01 mCi10 µCi
0.1 mCi100 µCi
1 mCi1 000 µCi
2 mCi2 000 µCi
3 mCi3 000 µCi
4 mCi4 000 µCi
5 mCi5 000 µCi
6 mCi6 000 µCi
7 mCi7 000 µCi
8 mCi8 000 µCi
9 mCi9 000 µCi
10 mCi10 000 µCi
10 mCi10 000 µCi
20 mCi20 000 µCi
30 mCi30 000 µCi
40 mCi40 000 µCi
50 mCi50 000 µCi
60 mCi60 000 µCi
70 mCi70 000 µCi
80 mCi80 000 µCi
90 mCi90 000 µCi
100 mCi100 000 µCi
1 000 mCi1 000 000 µCi
2 000 mCi2 000 000 µCi
3 000 mCi3 000 000 µCi
4 000 mCi4 000 000 µCi
5 000 mCi5 000 000 µCi
6 000 mCi6 000 000 µCi
7 000 mCi7 000 000 µCi
8 000 mCi8 000 000 µCi
9 000 mCi9 000 000 µCi
10 000 mCi10 000 000 µCi