Centimeter per hour (cm/h) to Seconds per mile (spm) converter

Converting from Centimeter per hour (cm/h) to Seconds per mile (spm)

What is Centimeter per hour (cm/h)

Centimeter per hour (cm/h) is a unit of speed that represents distance in centimeters traveled in one hour. It is commonly used in scientific calculations or in situations where measuring small distances over longer periods of time is necessary.

What is Seconds per mile (spm)

Seconds per mile (spm) is a unit of speed that represents the time taken to travel one mile. It is used in sports, racing, and aviation to measure the speed of vehicles or athletes over longer distances.

Conversion Formulas

To convert from centimeters per hour (cm/h) to seconds per mile (spm), you can use the following formula:


To convert from seconds per mile (spm) to centimeters per hour (cm/h), you can use the following formula:



  • 15 cm/h is equal to 38,624,260 spm.
  • 6 cm/h is equal to 96,560,640 spm.
  • 2 cm/h is equal to 28,968,190 spm.
  • 15 spm is equal to 38,624,260 cm/h.
  • 6 spm is equal to 96,560,640 cm/h.
  • 2 spm is equal to 28,968,190 cm/h.

Use this page to perform conversions from centimeter per hour to seconds per mile and vice versa.

Centimeter per hour to Seconds per mile conversion table

cm/h to spm conversion table

Centimeter per hour (cm/h) Seconds per mile (spm)
0.01 cm/h 57936380000 spm
0.1 cm/h 5793638000 spm
1 cm/h 579363800 spm
2 cm/h 289681900 spm
3 cm/h 193121300 spm
4 cm/h 144841000 spm
5 cm/h 115872800 spm
6 cm/h 96560640 spm
7 cm/h 82766260 spm
8 cm/h 72420480 spm
9 cm/h 64373760 spm
10 cm/h 57936380 spm
10 cm/h 57936380 spm
20 cm/h 28968190 spm
30 cm/h 19312130 spm
40 cm/h 14484100 spm
50 cm/h 11587280 spm
60 cm/h 9656064 spm
70 cm/h 8276626 spm
80 cm/h 7242048 spm
90 cm/h 6437376 spm
100 cm/h 5793638 spm