Foot per minute (fpm) to Seconds per foot (spf) converter

Converting from Foot per minute (fpm) to Seconds per foot (spf)

What is Foot per minute (fpm)

Foot per minute (fpm) is a unit of measurement commonly used in the field of speed. It represents the distance traveled in feet in one minute.

What is Seconds per foot (spf)

Seconds per foot (spf) is another unit of speed measurement that represents the time taken to travel one foot.

Conversion Formulas

The default conversion between fpm and spf is:

  • 1(fpm)=60(spf)
  • 1(spf)=60(fpm)


  1. Converting 7 fpm to spf:


  1. Converting 13 fpm to spf:


  1. Converting 12 fpm to spf:


By using the conversion formulas provided above, you can easily convert between foot per minute (fpm) and seconds per foot (spf).

Foot per minute to Seconds per foot conversion table

fpm to spf conversion table

Foot per minute (fpm)Seconds per foot (spf)
0.01 fpm6000 spf
0.1 fpm600 spf
1 fpm60 spf
2 fpm30 spf
3 fpm20 spf
4 fpm15 spf
5 fpm12 spf
6 fpm10 spf
7 fpm8.571429 spf
8 fpm7.5 spf
9 fpm6.666667 spf
10 fpm6 spf
10 fpm6 spf
20 fpm3 spf
30 fpm2 spf
40 fpm1.5 spf
50 fpm1.2 spf
60 fpm1 spf
70 fpm0.8571429 spf
80 fpm0.75 spf
90 fpm0.6666667 spf
100 fpm0.6 spf