Inch per minute (ipm) to Seconds per foot (spf) converter

Converting from Inch per minute (ipm) to Seconds per foot (spf)

What is Inch per minute (ipm)

Inch per minute (ipm) is a unit of speed that measures the distance in inches that an object travels in one minute. It is commonly used in the field of machining and manufacturing to measure the speed at which a cutting tool moves through a material.

What is Seconds per foot (spf)

Seconds per foot (spf) is a unit of speed that measures the time in seconds it takes for an object to travel one foot. It is often used in the context of measuring the speed of conveyor belts, material handling systems, and other processes where the time it takes to move a certain distance is important.

Conversion Formulas

To convert from inch per minute (ipm) to seconds per foot (spf), you can use the following formula:


To convert from seconds per foot (spf) to inch per minute (ipm), you can use the formula:



  • Converting 5 ipm to spf: spf=5720=144

  • Converting 10 spf to ipm: ipm=10720=72

  • Converting 7 ipm to spf: spf=7720102.8571

  • Converting 8 spf to ipm: ipm=8720=90

This article provides a simple and easy way to perform conversions from inch per minute (ipm) to seconds per foot (spf). These conversions are commonly used in various industries where speed measurements are crucial for efficient operations.

Inch per minute to Seconds per foot Conversion Table

ipm to spf Conversion Table

Inch per minute (ipm) Seconds per foot (spf)
0.01 ipm 72000 spf
0.1 ipm 7200 spf
1 ipm 720 spf
2 ipm 360 spf
3 ipm 240 spf
4 ipm 180 spf
5 ipm 144 spf
6 ipm 120 spf
7 ipm 102.8571 spf
8 ipm 90 spf
9 ipm 80 spf
10 ipm 72 spf
10 ipm 72 spf
20 ipm 36 spf
30 ipm 24 spf
40 ipm 18 spf
50 ipm 14.4 spf
60 ipm 12 spf
70 ipm 10.28571 spf
80 ipm 9 spf
90 ipm 8 spf
100 ipm 7.2 spf