Microsecond (μs) to Hour (h) converter

Converting from Microsecond (μs) to Hour (h) | Time

What is Microsecond (μs)

A microsecond (μs) is a unit of time equal to one millionth of a second. It is commonly used in computing, telecommunications, and various scientific fields to measure extremely short durations.

What is Hour (h)

An hour (h) is a unit of time commonly used for longer durations, equal to 60 minutes or 3600 seconds. It is a standard unit of time measurement in everyday life and is used worldwide.

Conversion Formulas

To convert from Microsecond (μs) to Hour (h) and vice versa, you can use the following formulas:

  • To convert from microsecond to hour:
  • To convert from hour to microsecond:


  1. Converting 15 microseconds to hours:

    • 15μs=0.000000004166667h
  2. Converting 13 hours to microseconds:

    • 13h=46800000000μs
  3. Converting 16 microseconds to hours:

    • 16μs=0.000000004444444h
  4. Converting 16 hours to microseconds:

    • 16h=57600000000μs

By using these conversion formulas, you can easily convert between microsecond and hour measurements. This page provides a convenient tool for performing conversions between Microsecond (μs) and Hour (h) in an efficient manner.

Microsecond to Hour conversion table

μs to h conversion table

Microsecond (μs)Hour (h)
0.01 μs0.000000000002777778 h
0.1 μs0.00000000002777778 h
1 μs0.0000000002777778 h
2 μs0.0000000005555556 h
3 μs0.0000000008333333 h
4 μs0.000000001111111 h
5 μs0.000000001388889 h
6 μs0.000000001666667 h
7 μs0.000000001944444 h
8 μs0.000000002222222 h
9 μs0.0000000025 h
10 μs0.000000002777778 h
10 μs0.000000002777778 h
20 μs0.000000005555556 h
30 μs0.000000008333333 h
40 μs0.00000001111111 h
50 μs0.00000001388889 h
60 μs0.00000001666667 h
70 μs0.00000001944444 h
80 μs0.00000002222222 h
90 μs0.000000025 h
100 μs0.00000002777778 h
1 000 μs0.0000002777778 h
2 000 μs0.0000005555556 h
3 000 μs0.0000008333333 h
4 000 μs0.000001111111 h
5 000 μs0.000001388889 h
6 000 μs0.000001666667 h
7 000 μs0.000001944444 h
8 000 μs0.000002222222 h
9 000 μs0.0000025 h
10 000 μs0.000002777778 h