Unit (1) to One Fifth (⅕) converter

Converting from Unit (1) to One Fifth (⅕) | Units and fractions

What is Unit (1)

In the context of measurements, a Unit (1) is considered as a whole or a single quantity. It is often used as a reference point for comparison or calculation.

What is One Fifth (⅕)

One Fifth (⅕) represents one part out of five equal parts. It is a fractional value commonly used in mathematics and measurements, indicating one out of five equal divisions.

Conversion Formulas

Converting from Unit (1) to One Fifth (⅕) and vice versa follows these formulas:




  • 17 (1) = 85 (⅕)
  • 17 (⅕) = 3.4 (1)
  • 5 (1) = 25 (⅕)
  • 5 (⅕) = 1 (1)
  • 6 (1) = 30 (⅕)
  • 6 (⅕) = 1.2 (1)

Use these examples to perform accurate conversions between Unit (1) and One Fifth (⅕).

This page serves as a useful reference for those looking to understand and apply conversions between these two common units in the realm of units and fractions.

Unit to One Fifth conversion table

1 to ⅕ conversion table

Unit (1)One Fifth (⅕)
0.01 10.05 ⅕
0.1 10.5 ⅕
1 15 ⅕
2 110 ⅕
3 115 ⅕
4 120 ⅕
5 125 ⅕
6 130 ⅕
7 135 ⅕
8 140 ⅕
9 145 ⅕
10 150 ⅕
10 150 ⅕
20 1100 ⅕
30 1150 ⅕
40 1200 ⅕
50 1250 ⅕
60 1300 ⅕
70 1350 ⅕
80 1400 ⅕
90 1450 ⅕
100 1500 ⅕
1 000 15 000 ⅕
2 000 110 000 ⅕
3 000 115 000 ⅕
4 000 120 000 ⅕
5 000 125 000 ⅕
6 000 130 000 ⅕
7 000 135 000 ⅕
8 000 140 000 ⅕
9 000 145 000 ⅕
10 000 150 000 ⅕