Barrel (US) (bbl (US)) to Cubic hectometer (hm³) converter

Converting from Barrel (US) (bbl (US)) to Cubic Hectometer (hm³)

What is Barrel (US) (bbl (US))

The barrel (US), commonly abbreviated as bbl (US), is a unit of volume primarily used in the petroleum industry. It is equivalent to 42 US gallons, or about 158.99 liters. The use of barrels allows for standardized measurements in the oil industry, which is key to maintaining trade and production consistency.

What is Cubic Hectometer (hm³)

A cubic hectometer (hm³) is a metric unit of volume that represents a cube measuring 100 meters on each side. It is equivalent to 1,000,000 liters or 1,000 cubic meters. The cubic hectometer is often used in scientific contexts and certain fields that require large volume measurements, such as hydrology and environmental studies.

Conversion Formulas

To convert barrels (US) to cubic hectometers, we can use the following formulas:

  • To convert from barrels to cubic hectometers:

    Volume (hm³)=Volume (bbl (US))×0.0000001192405
  • To convert from cubic hectometers to barrels (US):

    Volume (bbl (US))=Volume (hm³)×8386414

These formulas will allow you to convert between these two units of volume easily.


  1. Conversion from Barrels (US) to Cubic Hectometers:

    • If we have 2 bbl (US):

      Volume (hm³)=2×0.0000001192405=2.384809×10−7 hm³
  2. Another Example from Barrels (US) to Cubic Hectometers:

    • For 14 bbl (US):

      Volume (hm³)=14×0.0000001192405=1.669367×10−6 hm³
  3. Conversion from Cubic Hectometers to Barrels (US):

    • If we have 2 hm³:

      Volume (bbl (US))=2×8386414=16772830 bbl (US)
  4. Another Example from Cubic Hectometers to Barrels (US):

    • For 13 hm³:

      Volume (bbl (US))=13×8386414=109023400 bbl (US)

You can quickly convert between these two units using the formulas and examples provided above.

Barrel (US) to Cubic hectometer conversion table

bbl (US) to hm³ conversion table

Barrel (US) (bbl (US))Cubic hectometer (hm³)
0.01 bbl (US)0.000000001192405 hm³
0.1 bbl (US)0.00000001192405 hm³
1 bbl (US)0.0000001192405 hm³
2 bbl (US)0.0000002384809 hm³
3 bbl (US)0.0000003577214 hm³
4 bbl (US)0.0000004769619 hm³
5 bbl (US)0.0000005962024 hm³
6 bbl (US)0.0000007154428 hm³
7 bbl (US)0.0000008346833 hm³
8 bbl (US)0.0000009539238 hm³
9 bbl (US)0.000001073164 hm³
10 bbl (US)0.000001192405 hm³
10 bbl (US)0.000001192405 hm³
20 bbl (US)0.000002384809 hm³
30 bbl (US)0.000003577214 hm³
40 bbl (US)0.000004769619 hm³
50 bbl (US)0.000005962024 hm³
60 bbl (US)0.000007154428 hm³
70 bbl (US)0.000008346833 hm³
80 bbl (US)0.000009539238 hm³
90 bbl (US)0.00001073164 hm³
100 bbl (US)0.00001192405 hm³
1 000 bbl (US)0.0001192405 hm³
2 000 bbl (US)0.0002384809 hm³
3 000 bbl (US)0.0003577214 hm³
4 000 bbl (US)0.0004769619 hm³
5 000 bbl (US)0.0005962024 hm³
6 000 bbl (US)0.0007154428 hm³
7 000 bbl (US)0.0008346833 hm³
8 000 bbl (US)0.0009539238 hm³
9 000 bbl (US)0.001073164 hm³
10 000 bbl (US)0.001192405 hm³