Liter (L) to Hectoliter (hL) converter

Converting from Liter (L) to Hectoliter (hL) in Volume

What is Liter (L)

Liter (L) is a unit of volume in the metric system. It is commonly used to measure liquids and is equivalent to 1 cubic decimeter.

What is Hectoliter (hL)

Hectoliter (hL) is a unit of volume in the metric system, equal to 100 liters or 0.1 cubic meters. It is often used to measure large volumes of liquids.

Conversion Formulas

  1. To convert from liters to hectoliters, divide the volume in liters by 100. hL=100L

  2. To convert from hectoliters to liters, multiply the volume in hectoliters by 100. L=hL×100


  1. Convert 14 liters to hectoliters: hL=10014=0.14 hL

  2. Convert 5 hectoliters to liters: L=5×100=500 L

  3. Convert 16 liters to hectoliters: hL=10016=0.16 hL

  4. Convert 14 hectoliters to liters: L=14×100=1400 L

By using the conversion formulas provided, you can easily convert volumes from liters to hectoliters and vice versa.

Liter to Hectoliter Conversion Table

L to hL Conversion Table

Liter (L) Hectoliter (hL)
0.01 L 0.0001 hL
0.1 L 0.001 hL
1 L 0.01 hL
2 L 0.02 hL
3 L 0.03 hL
4 L 0.04 hL
5 L 0.05 hL
6 L 0.06 hL
7 L 0.07 hL
8 L 0.08 hL
9 L 0.09 hL
10 L 0.1 hL
10 L 0.1 hL
20 L 0.2 hL
30 L 0.3 hL
40 L 0.4 hL
50 L 0.5 hL
60 L 0.6 hL
70 L 0.7 hL
80 L 0.8 hL
90 L 0.9 hL
100 L 1 hL