Farad (F) to Kilofarad (kF) converter

Converting from Farad (F) to Kilofarad (kF) | Electric Capacitance

What is Farad (F)

The Farad (F) is the standard unit of electrical capacitance, measuring the ability of a component to store electric charge. One Farad is defined as the capacitance of a component that stores one coulomb of charge per volt.

What is Kilofarad (kF)

The Kilofarad (kF) is a multiple of the Farad, where one Kilofarad is equal to 1000 Farads. This unit is often used when dealing with larger capacitance values, as it represents one thousand times the capacitance of a single Farad.

Conversion Formulas

When converting between Farad and Kilofarad, you can use the following formulas:



For other conversions, some common equivalences include:

  • 12 F = 0.012 kF
  • 12 kF = 12000 F
  • 14 F = 0.014 kF
  • 14 kF = 14000 F
  • 10 F = 0.01 kF
  • 10 kF = 10000 F


  1. Converting 8 Farads to Kilofarads:


  1. Converting 3 Kilofarads to Farads:


  1. Converting 20 Farads to Kilofarads:


Use this reference when you need to convert between Farad and Kilofarad for your electrical capacitance calculations.

Farad to Kilofarad conversion table

F to kF conversion table

Farad (F)Kilofarad (kF)
0.01 F0.00001 kF
0.1 F0.0001 kF
1 F0.001 kF
2 F0.002 kF
3 F0.003 kF
4 F0.004 kF
5 F0.005 kF
6 F0.006 kF
7 F0.007 kF
8 F0.008 kF
9 F0.009 kF
10 F0.01 kF
10 F0.01 kF
20 F0.02 kF
30 F0.03 kF
40 F0.04 kF
50 F0.05 kF
60 F0.06 kF
70 F0.07 kF
80 F0.08 kF
90 F0.09 kF
100 F0.1 kF
1 000 F1 kF
2 000 F2 kF
3 000 F3 kF
4 000 F4 kF
5 000 F5 kF
6 000 F6 kF
7 000 F7 kF
8 000 F8 kF
9 000 F9 kF
10 000 F10 kF