Farad (F) to Millifarad (mF) converter

Converting from Farad (F) to Millifarad (mF) | Electric capacitance

What is Farad (F)

Farad (F) is the standard unit of measurement for electric capacitance. It represents the amount of electrical charge that can be stored in a capacitor per volt of potential difference.

What is Millifarad (mF)

Millifarad (mF) is a subunit of capacitance, equal to one-thousandth of a farad. It is commonly used to measure small capacitance values in electronic circuits.

Conversion Formulas

The conversion between Farads and Millifarads can be represented as follows:

  • 1 F=1000 mF

  • 1 mF=0.001 F


  1. Converting 6 Farads to Millifarads:
    • 6 F=6×1000=6000 mF
  2. Converting 7 Millifarads to Farads:
    • 7 mF=7×0.001=0.007 F
  3. Converting 13 Farads to Millifarads:
    • 13 F=13×1000=13000 mF

Use this page to perform converting from Farad (F) to Millifarad (mF) easily.

Farad to Millifarad conversion table

F to mF conversion table

Farad (F)Millifarad (mF)
0.01 F10 mF
0.1 F100 mF
1 F1 000 mF
2 F2 000 mF
3 F3 000 mF
4 F4 000 mF
5 F5 000 mF
6 F6 000 mF
7 F7 000 mF
8 F8 000 mF
9 F9 000 mF
10 F10 000 mF
10 F10 000 mF
20 F20 000 mF
30 F30 000 mF
40 F40 000 mF
50 F50 000 mF
60 F60 000 mF
70 F70 000 mF
80 F80 000 mF
90 F90 000 mF
100 F100 000 mF
1 000 F1 000 000 mF
2 000 F2 000 000 mF
3 000 F3 000 000 mF
4 000 F4 000 000 mF
5 000 F5 000 000 mF
6 000 F6 000 000 mF
7 000 F7 000 000 mF
8 000 F8 000 000 mF
9 000 F9 000 000 mF
10 000 F10 000 000 mF