Gigabyte (GB) to Block (block) converter

Converting from Gigabyte (GB) to Block (block) in Data storage (1KB=1000B)

What is Gigabyte (GB)

Gigabyte (GB) is a unit of digital information storage equal to 1,000,000,000 bytes. It is commonly used to measure the capacity of storage devices such as hard drives, flash drives, and memory cards.

What is Block (block)

A block (block) in data storage refers to a fixed-size unit of data storage on a storage device or file system. It is often used in the context of blockchain technology, where data is divided into blocks for secure and efficient storage.

Conversion Formulas

To convert from Gigabyte (GB) to Block (block) in data storage, you can use the following formulas:




  1. Converting 15 GB to Block:

15 GB×1953125=29296880 block

  1. Converting 10 Block to Gigabyte:

10 block×0.000000512=0.0000512 GB

  1. Converting 13 GB to Block:

13 GB×1953125=25390620 block

This page can be used as a reference to perform conversions from Gigabyte (GB) to Block (block) in data storage.

Gigabyte to Block conversion table

GB to block conversion table

Gigabyte (GB)Block (block)
0.01 GB19 531.25 block
0.1 GB195 312.5 block
1 GB1 953 125 block
2 GB3 906 250 block
3 GB5 859 375 block
4 GB7 812 500 block
5 GB9 765 625 block
6 GB11 718 750 block
7 GB13 671 880 block
8 GB15 625 000 block
9 GB17 578 120 block
10 GB19 531 250 block
10 GB19 531 250 block
20 GB39 062 500 block
30 GB58 593 750 block
40 GB78 125 000 block
50 GB97 656 250 block
60 GB117 187 500 block
70 GB136 718 800 block
80 GB156 250 000 block
90 GB175 781 200 block
100 GB195 312 500 block
1 000 GB1 953 125 000 block
2 000 GB3 906 250 000 block
3 000 GB5 859 375 000 block
4 000 GB7 812 500 000 block
5 000 GB9 765 625 000 block
6 000 GB11 718 750 000 block
7 000 GB13 671 880 000 block
8 000 GB15 625 000 000 block
9 000 GB17 578 120 000 block
10 000 GB19 531 250 000 block