Gigabyte (GB) to Gigabit (Gb) converter

Converting from Gigabyte (GB) to Gigabit (Gb) in Data storage (1KB=1000B)

What is Gigabyte (GB)

A Gigabyte (GB) is a unit of digital information storage equal to 1,000 megabytes or 1,000,000 kilobytes. It is commonly used to measure the capacity of storage devices such as hard drives, flash drives, and memory cards.

What is Gigabit (Gb)

On the other hand, Gigabit (Gb) is a unit of digital information transfer speed equal to 1,000 megabits or 1,000,000 kilobits per second. It is often used to specify network bandwidth and internet connection speeds.

Conversion Formulas

When converting from Gigabyte (GB) to Gigabit (Gb) and vice versa, the following formulas can be used:

1 GB=8 Gb

1 Gb=0.125 GB


  • 5 GB is equal to 40 Gb
  • 5 Gb is equal to 0.625 GB
  • 10 GB is equal to 80 Gb
  • 10 Gb is equal to 1.25 GB
  • 2 GB is equal to 16 Gb
  • 2 Gb is equal to 0.25 GB

This article serves as a practical guide for converting between Gigabytes (GB) and Gigabits (Gb) in the context of data storage, providing simple formulas and examples for quick reference.

Gigabyte to Gigabit conversion table

GB to Gb conversion table

Gigabyte (GB)Gigabit (Gb)
0.01 GB0.08 Gb
0.1 GB0.8 Gb
1 GB8 Gb
2 GB16 Gb
3 GB24 Gb
4 GB32 Gb
5 GB40 Gb
6 GB48 Gb
7 GB56 Gb
8 GB64 Gb
9 GB72 Gb
10 GB80 Gb
10 GB80 Gb
20 GB160 Gb
30 GB240 Gb
40 GB320 Gb
50 GB400 Gb
60 GB480 Gb
70 GB560 Gb
80 GB640 Gb
90 GB720 Gb
100 GB800 Gb
1 000 GB8 000 Gb
2 000 GB16 000 Gb
3 000 GB24 000 Gb
4 000 GB32 000 Gb
5 000 GB40 000 Gb
6 000 GB48 000 Gb
7 000 GB56 000 Gb
8 000 GB64 000 Gb
9 000 GB72 000 Gb
10 000 GB80 000 Gb