Liter per minute (L/min) to Liter per day (L/day) converter

Converting from Liter per minute (L/min) to Liter per day (L/day) in Flow rate

What is Liter per minute (L/min)

Liter per minute (L/min) is a unit used to measure the flow rate of a substance, indicating the volume of liquid that passes through a point in one minute.

What is Liter per day (L/day)

Liter per day (L/day) is another unit of flow rate that represents the volume of liquid passing through a point in one day.

Conversion Formulas

To convert from Liter per minute (L/min) to Liter per day (L/day), you can use the following formulas:

  • L/day=L/min×1440
  • L/min=L/day×0.0006944444


  1. Converting 8 L/min to L/day: 8 L/day=8×1440=11520 L/day

  2. Converting 4 L/day to L/min: 4 L/min=4×0.0006944444=0.002777778 L/min

  3. Another example:

    • 12 L/min to L/day: 12 L/day=12×1440=17280 L/day
    • 8 L/day to L/min: 8 L/min=8×0.0006944444=0.005555556 L/min

Use this information to easily convert between Liter per minute (L/min) and Liter per day (L/day) in flow rate calculations.

Liter per minute to Liter per day Conversion Table

L/min to L/day Conversion Table

Liter per minute (L/min) Liter per day (L/day)
0.01 L/min 14.4 L/day
0.1 L/min 144 L/day
1 L/min 1440 L/day
2 L/min 2880 L/day
3 L/min 4320 L/day
4 L/min 5760 L/day
5 L/min 7200 L/day
6 L/min 8640 L/day
7 L/min 10080 L/day
8 L/min 11520 L/day
9 L/min 12960 L/day
10 L/min 14400 L/day
10 L/min 14400 L/day
20 L/min 28800 L/day
30 L/min 43200 L/day
40 L/min 57600 L/day
50 L/min 72000 L/day
60 L/min 86400 L/day
70 L/min 100800 L/day
80 L/min 115200 L/day
90 L/min 129600 L/day
100 L/min 144000 L/day