Liter per minute (L/min) to Liter per hour (L/h) converter

How to Convert Liter per minute (L/min) to Liter per hour (L/h)

What is Liter per minute (L/min)

Liter per minute (L/min) is a unit used to measure the flow rate of a liquid, gas, or any substance. It represents the volume of substance that flows in one minute.

What is Liter per hour (L/h)

Liter per hour (L/h) is another unit for measuring flow rate, indicating the volume of substance that flows in one hour.

Conversion Formulas

To convert from Liter per minute (L/min) to Liter per hour (L/h), you can use the formula:


And to convert from Liter per hour (L/h) to Liter per minute (L/min), the formula is:



  • To convert 4 L/min to L/h:


  • To convert 3 L/min to L/h:


  • To convert 9 L/h to L/min:


Use these formulas and examples as a guide to convert between Liter per minute and Liter per hour. This page simplifies the conversion process and helps you work with flow rates more efficiently.

Liter per minute to Liter per hour Conversion Table

L/min to L/h Conversion Table

Liter per minute (L/min) Liter per hour (L/h)
0.01 L/min 0.6 L/h
0.1 L/min 6 L/h
1 L/min 60 L/h
2 L/min 120 L/h
3 L/min 180 L/h
4 L/min 240 L/h
5 L/min 300 L/h
6 L/min 360 L/h
7 L/min 420 L/h
8 L/min 480 L/h
9 L/min 540 L/h
10 L/min 600 L/h
10 L/min 600 L/h
20 L/min 1200 L/h
30 L/min 1800 L/h
40 L/min 2400 L/h
50 L/min 3000 L/h
60 L/min 3600 L/h
70 L/min 4200 L/h
80 L/min 4800 L/h
90 L/min 5400 L/h
100 L/min 6000 L/h