Foot (ft) to Feet (ft) converter
Foot (ft) to Feet (ft) converter
Converting from Foot (ft) to Feet (ft)
What is Foot (ft)
The foot (ft) is a unit of length commonly used in the United States and some other countries. It is part of the imperial measurement system. One foot is equal to 12 inches. The foot is often used in various practical applications, such as measuring height, length, and distance in everyday activities.
What is Feet (ft)
"Feet" (ft) is simply the plural form of "foot." In technical terms, when we refer to "feet," we are talking about the same unit of measurement as a "foot." This means that one foot is equivalent to one foot, and therefore, the terms are interchangeable in many contexts.
Conversion Formulas
For converting from foot (ft) to feet (ft), the formula is straightforward since both terms represent the same length.
In simpler terms:
- 1 (ft) = 1 (ft)
To convert 5 (ft) to feet:
Feet=5(ft)×1=5(ft)For a height of 10 (ft):
Feet=10(ft)×1=10(ft)If someone is 3 (ft) tall:
Feet=3(ft)×1=3(ft)A room length of 15 (ft) can be computed as:
Feet=15(ft)×1=15(ft)If a fence is 11 (ft) long:
Feet=11(ft)×1=11(ft)A pole standing at a height of 14 (ft) is calculated as:
Feet=14(ft)×1=14(ft)And if measured at 7 (ft):
Feet=7(ft)×1=7(ft)For 20 (ft):
Use this page to perform converting from Foot (ft) to Feet (ft).
Foot to Feet conversion table
ft to ft conversion table
Foot (ft) | Feet (ft) |
0.01 ft | 0.01 ft |
0.1 ft | 0.1 ft |
1 ft | 1 ft |
2 ft | 2 ft |
3 ft | 3 ft |
4 ft | 4 ft |
5 ft | 5 ft |
6 ft | 6 ft |
7 ft | 7 ft |
8 ft | 8 ft |
9 ft | 9 ft |
10 ft | 10 ft |
10 ft | 10 ft |
20 ft | 20 ft |
30 ft | 30 ft |
40 ft | 40 ft |
50 ft | 50 ft |
60 ft | 60 ft |
70 ft | 70 ft |
80 ft | 80 ft |
90 ft | 90 ft |
100 ft | 100 ft |
1 000 ft | 1 000 ft |
2 000 ft | 2 000 ft |
3 000 ft | 3 000 ft |
4 000 ft | 4 000 ft |
5 000 ft | 5 000 ft |
6 000 ft | 6 000 ft |
7 000 ft | 7 000 ft |
8 000 ft | 8 000 ft |
9 000 ft | 9 000 ft |
10 000 ft | 10 000 ft |
- Foot to Kilometer
- Foot to Hectometer
- Foot to Decameter
- Foot to Meter
- Foot to Decimeter
- Foot to Centimeter
- Foot to Millimeter
- Foot to Micron
- Foot to Nanometer
- Foot to Angstrom
- Foot to Picometer
- Foot to Mile
- Foot to Furlong
- Foot to Chain
- Foot to Rod
- Foot to Yard
- Foot to Feet
- Foot to Link
- Foot to Hand
- Foot to Inch
- Foot to Inches
- Foot to Thou
- Foot to Nautical mile
- Foot to Cable
- Foot to Fathom
- Foot to [Hist.] Land league
- Foot to [Hist.] Nautical league
- Foot to [Hist.rus.] Verst
- Foot to [Hist.rus.] Mezhevaya verst
- Foot to [Hist.rus.] Kosaya sazhen
- Foot to [Hist.rus.] Makhovaya sazhen
- Foot to [Hist.rus.] Sazhen
- Foot to [Hist.rus.] Arshin
- Foot to [Hist.rus.] Span
- Foot to [Hist.rus.] Vershok
- Foot to [Hist.rus.] Line
- Foot to [Hist.rus.] Dot