Foot (ft) to Inch (in) converter

Converting from Foot (ft) to Inch (in)

What is Foot (ft)

Foot (ft) is a unit of length in the imperial and US customary measurement systems. It is commonly used in the United States for measuring height, dimensions of rooms, and other objects. One foot is equal to 12 inches.

What is Inch (in)

Inch (in) is another unit of length in the imperial and US customary measurement systems. It is commonly used for smaller measurements such as length, width, and height. One inch is equal to 0.08333333 feet.

Conversion Formulas

To convert from feet to inches, you can use the following formula:


To convert from inches to feet, you can use the following formula:



  1. Convert 5 feet to inches:

5 ft×12=60 in

  1. Convert 16 inches to feet:

1216 in=1.333333 ft

  1. Convert 4 feet to inches:

4 ft×12=48 in

  1. Convert 5 inches to feet:

125 in=0.4166667 ft

  1. Convert 16 feet to inches:

16 ft×12=192 in

This article serves as a helpful guide for converting measurements from feet to inches. Use the provided formulas and examples to easily make these conversions in your daily life.

Foot to Inch conversion table

ft to in conversion table

Foot (ft)Inch (in)
0.01 ft0.12 in
0.1 ft1.2 in
1 ft12 in
2 ft24 in
3 ft36 in
4 ft48 in
5 ft60 in
6 ft72 in
7 ft84 in
8 ft96 in
9 ft108 in
10 ft120 in
10 ft120 in
20 ft240 in
30 ft360 in
40 ft480 in
50 ft600 in
60 ft720 in
70 ft840 in
80 ft960 in
90 ft1 080 in
100 ft1 200 in
1 000 ft12 000 in
2 000 ft24 000 in
3 000 ft36 000 in
4 000 ft48 000 in
5 000 ft60 000 in
6 000 ft72 000 in
7 000 ft84 000 in
8 000 ft96 000 in
9 000 ft108 000 in
10 000 ft120 000 in