One Fourth (¼) to One Fifth (⅕) converter

Converting from One Fourth (¼) to One Fifth (⅕) | Units and fractions

What is One Fourth (¼)

41 is a fraction that represents one part out of four equal parts. It is often used to represent quarters in a whole.

What is One Fifth (⅕)

51 is a fraction that represents one part out of five equal parts. It is commonly used to represent fifths in a whole.

Conversion Formulas

  • To convert from 41 to 51 , multiply the value by 1.25.
  • To convert from 51 to 41 , multiply the value by 0.8.


  • 15 41 is equal to 18.75 51

  • 15 51 is equal to 12 41

  • 8 41 is equal to 10 51

  • 8 51 is equal to 6.4 41

  • 13 41 is equal to 16.25 51

  • 13 51 is equal to 10.4 41

Please use this page to perform conversions between One Fourth (¼) and One Fifth (⅕).

One Fourth to One Fifth conversion table

¼ to ⅕ conversion table

One Fourth (¼)One Fifth (⅕)
0.01 ¼0.0125 ⅕
0.1 ¼0.125 ⅕
1 ¼1.25 ⅕
2 ¼2.5 ⅕
3 ¼3.75 ⅕
4 ¼5 ⅕
5 ¼6.25 ⅕
6 ¼7.5 ⅕
7 ¼8.75 ⅕
8 ¼10 ⅕
9 ¼11.25 ⅕
10 ¼12.5 ⅕
10 ¼12.5 ⅕
20 ¼25 ⅕
30 ¼37.5 ⅕
40 ¼50 ⅕
50 ¼62.5 ⅕
60 ¼75 ⅕
70 ¼87.5 ⅕
80 ¼100 ⅕
90 ¼112.5 ⅕
100 ¼125 ⅕
1 000 ¼1 250 ⅕
2 000 ¼2 500 ⅕
3 000 ¼3 750 ⅕
4 000 ¼5 000 ⅕
5 000 ¼6 250 ⅕
6 000 ¼7 500 ⅕
7 000 ¼8 750 ⅕
8 000 ¼10 000 ⅕
9 000 ¼11 250 ⅕
10 000 ¼12 500 ⅕