One Fourth (¼) to One Third (⅓) converter

Converting from One Fourth (¼) to One Third (⅓) | Units and fractions

What is One Fourth (¼)

One Fourth, represented as ¼, is a common fraction that denotes one part out of four equal parts.

What is One Third (⅓)

One Third, symbolized as ⅓, is a fraction that signifies one part out of three equal parts.

Conversion Formulas

The default conversion values between One Fourth and One Third are as follows:

  • 1 (¼) = 0.75 (⅓)
  • 1 (⅓) = 1.333333 (¼)


Some other conversions include:

  • 11 (¼) = 8.25 (⅓)
  • 11 (⅓) = 14.66667 (¼)
  • 9 (¼) = 6.75 (⅓)
  • 9 (⅓) = 12 (¼)
  • 14 (¼) = 10.5 (⅓)
  • 14 (⅓) = 18.66667 (¼)

You can use these conversions to easily switch between One Fourth (¼) and One Third (⅓) values.

One Fourth to One Third conversion table

¼ to ⅓ conversion table

One Fourth (¼)One Third (⅓)
0.01 ¼0.0075 ⅓
0.1 ¼0.075 ⅓
1 ¼0.75 ⅓
2 ¼1.5 ⅓
3 ¼2.25 ⅓
4 ¼3 ⅓
5 ¼3.75 ⅓
6 ¼4.5 ⅓
7 ¼5.25 ⅓
8 ¼6 ⅓
9 ¼6.75 ⅓
10 ¼7.5 ⅓
10 ¼7.5 ⅓
20 ¼15 ⅓
30 ¼22.5 ⅓
40 ¼30 ⅓
50 ¼37.5 ⅓
60 ¼45 ⅓
70 ¼52.5 ⅓
80 ¼60 ⅓
90 ¼67.5 ⅓
100 ¼75 ⅓
1 000 ¼750 ⅓
2 000 ¼1 500 ⅓
3 000 ¼2 250 ⅓
4 000 ¼3 000 ⅓
5 000 ¼3 750 ⅓
6 000 ¼4 500 ⅓
7 000 ¼5 250 ⅓
8 000 ¼6 000 ⅓
9 000 ¼6 750 ⅓
10 000 ¼7 500 ⅓