Nano (n) to Deci (d) converter

Converting from Nano (n) to Deci (d) | SI prefixes

What is Nano (n)

Nano (n) is an SI prefix that represents one billionth, or 0.000000001 in decimal form. It is commonly used in the fields of science and technology to denote extremely small quantities.

What is Deci (d)

Deci (d) is another SI prefix that denotes one-tenth, or 0.1 in decimal form. This prefix is usually used in measurements where a quantity is divided into ten equal parts.

Conversion Formulas

To convert from Nano to Deci, you can use the following formula:


Conversely, to convert from Deci to Nano, the formula is:



Let's look at some examples of conversions between Nano and Deci:

  • 7 (n) = 0.00000007 (d)
  • 7 (d) = 700000000 (n)
  • 13 (n) = 0.00000013 (d)
  • 13 (d) = 1300000000 (n)
  • 17 (n) = 0.00000017 (d)
  • 17 (d) = 1700000000 (n)

By utilizing these conversion formulas, you can easily switch between Nano and Deci measurements in various scientific and technical applications.

This page serves as a helpful resource for those needing to perform conversions between Nano and Deci units effortlessly.

Nano to Deci conversion table

n to d conversion table

Nano (n)Deci (d)
0.01 n0.0000000001 d
0.1 n0.000000001 d
1 n0.00000001 d
2 n0.00000002 d
3 n0.00000003 d
4 n0.00000004 d
5 n0.00000005 d
6 n0.00000006 d
7 n0.00000007 d
8 n0.00000008 d
9 n0.00000009 d
10 n0.0000001 d
10 n0.0000001 d
20 n0.0000002 d
30 n0.0000003 d
40 n0.0000004 d
50 n0.0000005 d
60 n0.0000006 d
70 n0.0000007 d
80 n0.0000008 d
90 n0.0000009 d
100 n0.000001 d
1 000 n0.00001 d
2 000 n0.00002 d
3 000 n0.00003 d
4 000 n0.00004 d
5 000 n0.00005 d
6 000 n0.00006 d
7 000 n0.00007 d
8 000 n0.00008 d
9 000 n0.00009 d
10 000 n0.0001 d