Nano (n) to Giga (G) converter

Converting from Nano (n) to Giga (G) | SI prefixes

What is Nano (n)

Nano (n) is a prefix in the International System of Units (SI) denoting a factor of 10−9 or 0.000000001. It is commonly used to express extremely small measurements in fields like nanotechnology.

What is Giga (G)

Giga (G) is another SI prefix representing a factor of 109 or 1,000,000,000. This prefix is utilized to describe large quantities such as data storage capacity or network bandwidth.

Conversion Formulas

To convert from Nano to Giga, you can use the following formula:


Conversely, the formula for converting Giga to Nano is:



  1. Converting 9 Nano to Giga:

9 n=0.000000000000000009 G

  1. Converting 11 Giga to Nano:

11 G=11000000000000000000 n

  1. Converting 10 Nano to Giga:

10 n=0.00000000000000001 G

Use these examples as a reference for converting between Nano and Giga in various contexts. Whether you are dealing with minuscule nanoscale measurements or vast gigabyte data sizes, understanding this conversion can be valuable in diverse scientific and technological applications.

Nano to Giga conversion table

n to G conversion table

Nano (n)Giga (G)
0.01 n0.00000000000000000001 G
0.1 n0.0000000000000000001 G
1 n0.000000000000000001 G
2 n0.000000000000000002 G
3 n0.000000000000000003 G
4 n0.000000000000000004 G
5 n0.000000000000000005 G
6 n0.000000000000000006 G
7 n0.000000000000000007 G
8 n0.000000000000000008 G
9 n0.000000000000000009 G
10 n0.00000000000000001 G
10 n0.00000000000000001 G
20 n0.00000000000000002 G
30 n0.00000000000000003 G
40 n0.00000000000000004 G
50 n0.00000000000000005 G
60 n0.00000000000000006 G
70 n0.00000000000000007 G
80 n0.00000000000000008 G
90 n0.00000000000000009 G
100 n0.0000000000000001 G
1 000 n0.000000000000001 G
2 000 n0.000000000000002 G
3 000 n0.000000000000003 G
4 000 n0.000000000000004 G
5 000 n0.000000000000005 G
6 000 n0.000000000000006 G
7 000 n0.000000000000007 G
8 000 n0.000000000000008 G
9 000 n0.000000000000009 G
10 000 n0.00000000000001 G