Nano (n) to Kilo (k) converter
Nano (n) to Kilo (k) converter
Converting from Nano (n) to Kilo (k) | SI prefixes
What is Nano (n)
Nano (n) is a unit in the International System of Units (SI) representing 10^-9 or one billionth of a base unit. It is commonly used in fields such as physics, engineering, and technology to measure extremely small quantities.
What is Kilo (k)
Kilo (k) is another unit in the SI system that stands for 10^3 or one thousand of a base unit. It is utilized in various disciplines to denote larger quantities compared to the base unit.
Conversion Formulas
The formulas for converting between Nano (n) and Kilo (k) are as follows:
To convert from Nano to Kilo: Kilo (k)=1012Nano (n)
To convert from Kilo to Nano: Nano (n)=Kilo (k)×1012
- Converting 13 Nano (n) to Kilo (k):
13 n=0.000000000013 k
- Converting 16 Nano (n) to Kilo (k):
16 n=0.000000000016 k
- Converting 4 Nano (n) to Kilo (k):
4 n=0.000000000004 k
This article provides you with the necessary information and formulas to convert between Nano (n) and Kilo (k) units conveniently. Whether you are working on scientific calculations or engineering projects, mastering these conversions can streamline your work effectively.
Nano to Kilo conversion table
n to k conversion table
Nano (n) | Kilo (k) |
0.01 n | 0.00000000000001 k |
0.1 n | 0.0000000000001 k |
1 n | 0.000000000001 k |
2 n | 0.000000000002 k |
3 n | 0.000000000003 k |
4 n | 0.000000000004 k |
5 n | 0.000000000005 k |
6 n | 0.000000000006 k |
7 n | 0.000000000007 k |
8 n | 0.000000000008 k |
9 n | 0.000000000009 k |
10 n | 0.00000000001 k |
10 n | 0.00000000001 k |
20 n | 0.00000000002 k |
30 n | 0.00000000003 k |
40 n | 0.00000000004 k |
50 n | 0.00000000005 k |
60 n | 0.00000000006 k |
70 n | 0.00000000007 k |
80 n | 0.00000000008 k |
90 n | 0.00000000009 k |
100 n | 0.0000000001 k |
1 000 n | 0.000000001 k |
2 000 n | 0.000000002 k |
3 000 n | 0.000000003 k |
4 000 n | 0.000000004 k |
5 000 n | 0.000000005 k |
6 000 n | 0.000000006 k |
7 000 n | 0.000000007 k |
8 000 n | 0.000000008 k |
9 000 n | 0.000000009 k |
10 000 n | 0.00000001 k |