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FindFit(list-of-data-points, function, parameters, variable)

solve a least squares problem using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.



>> FindFit({{15.2,8.9},{31.1,9.9},{38.6,10.3},{52.2,10.7},{75.4,11.4}}, a*Log(b*x), {a, b}, x)
>> FindFit({{1,1},{2,4},{3,9},{4,16}}, a+b*x+c*x^2, {a, b, c}, x)

The default initial guess in the following example for the parameters {a,w,f} is {1.0, 1.0, 1.0}. These initial values give a bad result:

>> FindFit(Table({t, 3*Sin(3*t + 1)}, {t, -3, 3, 0.1}), a* Sin(w*t + f), {a,w,f}, t)

The initial guess {2.0, 1.0, 1.0} gives a much better result:

>> FindFit(Table({t, 3*Sin(3*t + 1)}, {t, -3, 3, 0.1}), a* Sin(w*t + f), {{a, 2}, {w,1}, {f,1}}, t)

You can omit 1.0 in the parameter list because it’s the default value:

>> FindFit(Table({t, 3*Sin(3*t + 1)}, {t, -3, 3, 0.1}), a* Sin(w*t + f), {{a, 2}, w, f}, t)

Fit, FittedModel, LinearModelFit

Implementation status

  • ✅ - full supported
