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Vector calculation

Use VECTOR mode to perform calculation with vectors.

Open the mode dialog by pressing MODE button, then select VECTOR to enter VECTOR mode.

pressing `MODE` button select `VECTOR` item

The VECTOR menus

Pressing SHIFT 5 will open the VECTOR menu

Pressing `SHIFT` `5`

There are 3 tabs:

The NAMES menu

The NAMES tab contains 4 vector variables: VctA, VctB, VctC and VctD. Selecting an item in NAMES tab will insert the vector variable to the calculator screen.


The EDIT menu

The EDIT tab contains 4 items: VctA, VctB, VctC and VctD. Selecting an item will open the vector editing screen.

The VECTOR/EDIT tab EDIT screen of VctA

The MATH menu

The MATH tab contains operator and functions that operation on vectors. There are some builtin functions:

  • Dot: computes the vector dot product
  • Angle(vectorA, vectorB): Return angle between two vectors
  • Normalize(vector): Calculates the normalized vector (or unit vector)
  • Cross(vector1, vector2): Cross product
  • Projection(vector, vector2): Find the orthogonal projection of vector1 onto another vector2

Editing Vector Variable Value

  1. Open the EDIT menu

    Open the [EDIT] menu
  2. Select a vector variable item

    Select VctA item
    Editor screen of VctA
  3. (Optional) Change the vector dimension by pressing the Change dimension button. Select R2 or R3.

    The *Change dimension* button
    The *Change dimension* button
  4. Enter vector values

    Example: VctA = (4,-5)

    Enter value of VctA = (4,-5)
  5. Press AC to back to calculation screen

Calculation on Vectors

… Work in progress