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Calculation History

CalcES, a modern calculator, equipped with advanced features, include the Calculation History for convenient review, verification, and learning from past calculations

Accessing the Calculation History

Method 1

Press SHIFT = (History) to open the Calculation History screen

Press `SHIFT` `=` The calculation history screen

Method 2

Open the drawer menu, then select the Calculation History item

Click the drawer menu icon select the **Calculation History** item

History item

  • Each history line contains expression, result, and timestamp.
history line
  • To copy the input, click the copy icon
To copy the input, click the copy icon
  • To edit the calculation input, click the edit icon
To edit the calculation input, click the edit icon
  • To delete the history line, click the trash icon
To delete the history line, click the trash icon

Advanced Features

Sorting by Time

Use the sorting feature to organize entries by time, providing a chronological order of your calculations.

  • Descending (Newest on the top)
Descending (Newest on the top)
  • Ascending (Oldest on the top)
Ascending (Oldest on the top)

Clearing History

To clear calculation history, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the menu

    Open the menu
  2. Tap the Delete all item

    Tap the Delete all item
  3. Confirm your choice

    Confirm your choice