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loads the class with the specified class-name and return a JavaClass expression. All static method names are assigned to a context which will be created by the last part of the class name.

Note: the Java specific functions which call Java native classes are only available in the MMA mode in a local installation. All symbol and method names have to be case sensitive.


>> clazz= LoadJavaClass["org.jsoup.Jsoup"]
>> conn=Jsoup`connect[""]
JavaObject[class org.jsoup.helper.HttpConnection]
>> doc=conn@get[ ];

Print the title of the HTML page.

>> Print[doc@title[ ]]
jsoup Java HTML Parser, with the best of HTML5 DOM methods and CSS selectors.

InstanceOf, JavaClass, JavaNew, JavaObject, JavaObjectQ

Implementation status

  • ☕ - supported on Java virtual machine
