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Map(f, expr) or f /@ expr

applies f to each part on the first level of expr.

Map(f, expr, levelspec)

applies f to each level specified by levelspec of expr.


>> f /@ {1, 2, 3}
>> #^2& /@ {1, 2, 3, 4}

Map f on the second level:

>> Map(f, {{a, b}, {c, d, e}}, {2})

Include heads:

>> Map(f, a + b + c, Heads->True)

Level specification a + b is not of the form n, {n}, or {m, n}.

>> Map(f, expr, a+b, Heads->True)
Map(f, expr, a + b, Heads -> True)

Implementation status

  • ✅ - full supported
