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NestWhileList(f, expr, test)

applies a function f repeatedly on an expression expr, until applying test on the result no longer yields True. It returns a list of all intermediate results.

NestWhileList(f, expr, test, m)

supplies the last m results to test (default value: 1). It returns a list of all intermediate results.

NestWhileList(f, expr, test, All)

supplies all results gained so far to test. It returns a list of all intermediate results.

NestWhileList[f, expr, test, m, max, n]

applies f to expr until test does not return True. It returns a list of all intermediate results. test is a function that takes as its arguments the last m results. max denotes the maximum number of applications of f and n denotes that f should be applied another n times after test has terminated the recursion. If n is a negative integer, the last -n elements will be dropped.


Divide by 2 until the result is no longer an integer:

>> NestWhileList(#/2&, 10000, IntegerQ)
>> NestWhileList(#+1 &, 1, True &, 1, 4, 5)

Implementation status

  • ✅ - full supported
