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ReplacePart(expr, i -> new)

replaces part i in expr with new.

ReplacePart(expr, {{i, j} -> e1, {k, l} -> e2})'

replaces parts i and j with e1, and parts k and l with e2.


>> ReplacePart({a, b, c}, 1 -> t)
>> ReplacePart({{a, b}, {c, d}}, {2, 1} -> t)
>> ReplacePart({{a, b}, {c, d}}, {{2, 1} -> t, {1, 1} -> t})
>> ReplacePart({a, b, c}, {{1}, {2}} -> t)

Delayed rules are evaluated once for each replacement:

>> n = 1
>> ReplacePart({a, b, c, d}, {{1}, {3}} :> n++)

Non-existing parts are simply ignored:

>> ReplacePart({a, b, c}, 4 -> t)

You can replace heads by replacing part 0:

>> ReplacePart({a, b, c}, 0 -> Times)

Negative part numbers count from the end:

>> ReplacePart({a, b, c}, -1 -> t)

Replace, ReplaceAll, ReplaceList, ReplaceRepeated

Implementation status

  • ✅ - full supported
