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Save("path-to-filename", expression)

if the file system is enabled, export the FullDefinition of the expression to the “path-to-filename” file. The saved file can be imported with Get.

Save("path-to-filename", "Global`*")

if the file system is enabled, export the FullDefinition of all symbols in the "Global*”` context to the “path-to-filename” file.


Save a definition with dependent symbol definitions into temporary file

>> g(x_) := x^3;
>> g(x_,y_) := f(x,y);
>> SetAttributes(f, Listable);
>> f(x_) := g(x^2);
>> temp = FileNameJoin({$TemporaryDirectory, \"savedlist.txt\"});Print(temp);
>> Save(temp, {f,g})
>> ClearAll(f,g)
>> "Attributes(f)
>> {f(2),g(7)}
>> Get(temp)
>> {f(2),g(7)}
>> Attributes(f)

BinaryDeserialize, BinarySerialize, ByteArray, ByteArrayQ, Export, Import

Implementation status

  • ☑ - partially implemented
