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Solve(equations, vars)

attempts to solve equations for the variables vars.

Solve(equations, vars, domain)

attempts to solve equations for the variables vars in the given domain.


It’s important to use the == operator to define the equations. If you have unintentionally assigned a value to the variables x, y with the = operator you have to call Clear(x,y) to clear the definitions for these variables.

>> Solve({x^2==4,x+y^2==6}, {x,y})
>> Solve({2*x + 3*y == 4, 3*x - 4*y <= 5,x - 2*y > -21}, {x, y}, Integers)
>> Solve(Xor(a, b, c, d) && (a || b) && ! (c || d), {a, b, c, d}, Booleans)

DSolve, Eliminate, GroebnerBasis, FindInstance, FindRoot, NRoots, NSolve, Reduce, Roots

Implementation status

  • ☑ - partially implemented
