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Switch(expr, pattern1, value1, pattern2, value2, ...)

yields the first value for which expr matches the corresponding pattern.


>> Switch(2, 1, x, 2, y, 3, z)
>> Switch(5, 1, x, 2, y)
Switch(5, 1, x, 2, y)
>> Switch(5, 1, x, 2, y, _, z)

Switch called with 2 arguments. Switch must be called with an odd number of arguments.

>> Switch(2, 1)
Switch(2, 1)

Switch called with 2 arguments. Switch must be called with an odd number of arguments.

>> a; Switch(b, b)
Switch(b, b)

Switch called with 2 arguments. Switch must be called with an odd number of arguments.

>> z = Switch(b, b);
>> z
Switch(b, b)

Implementation status

  • ✅ - full supported
