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Store/Recall Variables

CalcES supports assigning value to a variable and recall a variable. These variables can be used with other calculation.

Entering variables

  1. To enter x variable, press ALPHA ) (x)

    To enter `x` variable
  2. To enter y variables, press ALPHA S<->D (y)

    To enter `y` variable

Assign value to variable

  1. Enter a value

  2. Press SHIFT RCL (STO) followed by a variable name

Example 1: Assign `9` to `x` variable

Press 9 SHIFT RCL (STO) ) (x)

Assign `9` to `x` variable

Watch the video for more details:

Example 2: Assign `2.5` to `r` variable

r variable is localed on extended keyboard (press 2nd key to open)

Press keys: 2 . 5 to input 2.5

Then press keys: SHIFT RCL (STO) 2nd r

Assign `2.5` to `r` variableAssign `2.5` to `r` variableAssign `2.5` to `r` variable

Watch the video for more details:

Recall variables

After assigned value to a variable, press ALPHA followed a variable name to insert to current editor.


Calculate x+3 with x=9

Calculate `x + 3` with `x=9`

View variable values

  1. Open drawer menu

    Open drawer menu
  2. Tap Variable Values

    Tap **Variable Values**
  3. A Variable Values dialog is displayed

    Variable Values dialog