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Converting Complex To Polar Form

CalcES calculator allow you to convert complex number in rectangular form to polar form and vice versa.

Display the result in polar form ►r∠φ



  1. Enter 2+i

    Enter `2+i`
  2. Press SHIFT 2 to open the complex menu, then select the ►r∠φ item

    select the `►r∠φ` item
  3. The result is in DEG mode:

    The result is in `DEG` mode
  4. The result is in RAD mode:

    The result is in `RAD` mode

Display the result in rectangular form ►a+bi



The input is in DEG mode

  1. Enter 2∠45 (press SHIFT (-) to enter polar symbol)

    Enter `2∠45`
  2. Press SHIFT 2 to open the complex menu,

    then select the ►a+bi item

    select the `►a+bi` item
  3. The result is in DEG mode:

    The result is in `DEG` mode

The result format dialog

When the result is a complex number, tapping on it will show the result format dialog which includes the polar form.


The result format dialog of 3+2i

The result format dialog of 3+2i


The result format dialog of 3∠(π+2)

The result format dialog of 3+2i