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Cartesian graphing y=f(x)

CalcES are fully supported function graph in Cartesian coordinates.

Graph of sin(x):cos(x):tan(x)

Cartesian graph y=f(x)


Example: y=x34x+1

  1. Enter function x34x+1, and then press GRAPH

    Enter function `x^3-4x+1`
  2. Tap the Graph button to draw graphs:

    press `GRAPH`

Working with function graph


Using the Tracing option to view value graph at a point

Tap the Trace button

Roots (x intersect points)

Enable Root option, all roots will show

Tap the Root button


Enable Derivative option, a dash line represents the derivative of function will show

Tap the Derivative button

Extrema points

Enable Extrema option, all local/global maximum/minimum points will show

Tap the Extrema button

Inflection points

Enable Inflection option, all inflection points will show

Tap the Inflection button


Using Trace and Tangent options to show tangent line at a specific point

Using **Trace** and **Tangent** options

Intersect points

Entering more than 1 functions to show intersection points between them. Using : to enter multiple Cartesian functions:



  1. Example, enter Sin(x):Cos(x):

    enter `Sin(x):Cos(x)`
  2. Press GRAPH button to draw multiple graphs:

    Press `GRAPH` button
  3. Enable Intersection option, all intersection points between the selected function and others will show

    Intersection between Sin(x) and others

Other examples

Intersection between Sin(x) and othersIntersection between Cos(x) and othersIntersection between Tan(x) and others

The Calc panel

The Calc panel allow to you calculate with selected function

Tab Calc to open CALC panel:

Press `Calc` button The Calc panel

Value at a point / Derivative at a point

Properties of graph at x=2.1

Properties of graph at `x=0.21`

Root in given range

First root of Sin(x) from -2 to -1

First root of Sin(x) from -2 to -1

Minimum value in given range

Minimum value of Sin(x) from -2 to -1

Minimum value of Sin(x) from -2 to -1

Maximum value in given range

Maximum value of Sin(x) from -2 to -1

Maximum value of Sin(x) from -2 to -1

Integral at in given range

For integral tab, the graph will display additional shading in given range. Integral of Sin(x) from -2 to 3.

Integral of Sin(x) from -2 to 3

The TABLE panel: generate table of values

The Table panel allow you to generate a table of values. Tap the Table button to open it:

Press `Table` button

Here is the table of values of y=Sin(x) with Δt=1, and start at 0

Press `Calc` button to open `Calc` panel

To change the Δt or the Start value, tap the edit icon on the left of Δt:

Tap the edit icon on the left of `Δt`

Tap the edit icon to change value of Start and Step:

Table start and step settings dialog

Example, Start=0.5 and Step=0.25

Table start and step settings dialog

Tap Save to recalculate the table of Sin(x):

Table of values of Sin(2t):Cos(t)

Updated at Thu 21 Dec 2023