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Parametric Graphing

CalcES supports draw parametric function with x and y parameters.


Graph of Sin(2t):Cos(t)

Steps to draw parametric graph


  1. Enter Sin(2t):Cos(t)
  2. Tap the GRAPH button to draw parametric graph

    Parametric graph of Sin(2t):Cos(t)

Working with parametric graphs

The CALC panel: calculate value a point

The Calc panel allow you to calculate the value of x(t):y(t) with given t value.

  1. Press Calc button to open Calc panel:

    Press `Calc` button to open `Calc` panel
  2. Tap the Edit icon to enter the value of t

    Tap the **Edit** icon
  3. After entering value of t , the panel displays some properties at t :

    x = ?
    y = ?
    dx/dt = ?
    dy/dt = ?
    dy/dx = ?
    Properties of Sin(2t):Cos(t) at t = 3.28

The TABLE panel: generate table of values

The Table panel allow you to generate a table of values.

  1. Tap the Table button to open it:

    Press `Table` button
  2. Here is the table of values of Sin(2t):Cos(t) with Δt=1 , and start at 0

    Press `Calc` button to open `Calc` panel
  3. To change the Δt or the Start value, tap the edit icon on the left of Δt :

    Tap the edit icon on the left of `Δt`
  4. Tap the edit icon to change value of Start and Step:

    Table start and step settings dialog


Example, Start=0.5 and Step=0.25

Table start and step settings dialog

Tap Save to recalculate the table:

Table of values of Sin(2t):Cos(t)

Settings the t range

The default range of t variable is from -10 to 10, to change this value:

  1. Open the settings screen:

    Tap gear icon to open settings screen
  2. Select the Graph tab

    The graph settings tab
  3. Scroll to the Parametric graph section:

    The parametric graph setting section
  4. Change the Parametric start and Parametric stop with your value, tap OK to save

    Parametric start editor



Enter sin(2t)+3sin(t):2sin(3t)
  • For the range of t from 0 to π
Graph of sin(2t)+3sin(t):2sin(3t) from 0 to Pi
  • For the range of t from π to π
Graph of sin(2t)+3sin(t):2sin(3t) from -Pi to Pi