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System of Equations Solver

CalcES calculator allow you to find roots of system equations with 2, 3 and 4 unknown variables.

Example: system of equations of 2 variables


Example: system of equations of 3 variables


Example: system of equations of 4 variables


Steps to solve system of equations

Example: solve system of equations

  1. Press the MODE button to open the mode dialog

    The mode dialog
  2. Scroll down and then select the anx+bny=cn item

    select the `ax + by = c` item
  3. Enter the coefficients of the system of equations:

    Enter the coefficients of the system of equations
  4. Press = (or the SOLVE button on the top-right of display) to solve system of equations

    Press `=` to solve system of equations
  5. The calculator show x=17−20

    x = -20/17
  6. Press = to show y=1773

    `y` value = `73/17`
  7. Press = again to back to the coefficient editor

    The mode dialog

Other examples

Example: system of equations of 3 variables: x, y, z

  1. Press MODE , then select the anx+bny+cnz=dn item

    select the `ax + by + cz = d` item
  2. Enter coefficients of system of equations:

    Enter coefficients of system of equations
  3. Press = to solve system of equations

    x = -131/5
  4. Press =

    y = 143/5
  5. Press =

    z = 113/5

Example: system of equations of 4 variables: x, y, z, t

  1. Press MODE , then select the anx+bny+cnz+dnt=en item

    select the `ax + by + cz + dt = e` item
  2. Enter coefficients of system of equations:

    Enter coefficients of system of equations
  3. Press = to solve system of equations

  4. Press =

    y = 1
  5. Press =

    z = -1
  6. Press =

    t = -1