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DiscretePlot( expr, {x, nmax} )

plots expr with x ranging from 1 to nmax.

DiscretePlot( expr, {x, nmin, nmax} )

plots expr with x ranging from nmin to nmax.

DiscretePlot( expr, {x, nmin, nmax, delta} )

plots expr with x ranging from nmin to nmax usings steps delta.

Note: This feature is available in the console app and in the web interface.


In the console apps, this command shows an HTML page with a JavaScript list plot control.

>> DiscretePlot(Sin(x), {x, 0, 4 Pi}, PlotRange->{{0, 4 Pi}, {0, 1.5}})
>> DiscretePlot(Tan(x), {x, -6, 6})

ListPlot, ListLogPlot

Implementation status

  • 🧪 - experimental
