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Do(expr, {max})

evaluates expr max times.

Do(expr, {i, max})

evaluates expr max times, substituting i in expr with values from 1 to max.

Do(expr, {i, min, max})

starts with i = max.

Do(expr, {i, min, max, step})

uses a step size of step.

Do(expr, {i, {i1, i2, ...}})

uses values i1, i2, ... for i.

Do(expr, {i, imin, imax}, {j, jmin, jmax}, ...)

evaluates expr for each j from jmin to jmax, for each i from imin to imax, etc.


>> Do(Print(i), {i, 2, 4})
| 2
| 3
| 4
>> Do(Print({i, j}), {i,1,2}, {j,3,5})
| {1, 3}
| {1, 4}
| {1, 5}
| {2, 3}
| {2, 4}
| {2, 5}

You can use Break() and Continue() inside Do:

>> Do(If(i > 10, Break(), If(Mod(i, 2) == 0, Continue()); Print(i)), {i, 5, 20})
| 5
| 7
| 9
>> Do(Print("hi"),{1+1})
| hi
| hi

The A005132 Recaman’s sequence integer sequence

>> a = {1}; Do( If( a[ [ -1 ] ] - n > 0 && Position( a, a[ [ -1 ] ] - n ) == {}, a = Append( a, a[ [ -1 ] ] - n ), a = Append( a, a[ [ -1 ] ] + n ) ), {n, 2, 70} ); a

Break, Continue, For, While

Implementation status

  • ✅ - full supported
