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Level(expr, levelspec)

gives a list of all sub-expressions of expr at the level(s) specified by levelspec.

Level uses standard level specifications:


levels 1 through n


all levels from level 1


level n only

{m, n}

levels m through n

Level 0 corresponds to the whole expression. A negative level -n consists of parts with depth n.


Level -1 is the set of atoms in an expression:

>> Level(a + b ^ 3 * f(2 x ^ 2), {-1})
>> Level({{{{a}}}}, 3)
>> Level({{{{a}}}}, -4)
>> Level({{{{a}}}}, -5)
>> Level(h0(h1(h2(h3(a)))), {0, -1})

Use the option Heads -> True to include heads:

>> Level({{{{a}}}}, 3, Heads -> True)
>> Level(x^2 + y^3, 3, Heads -> True)
>> Level(a ^ 2 + 2 * b, {-1}, Heads -> True)
>> Level(f(g(h))[x], {-1}, Heads -> True)
>> Level(f(g(h))[x], {-2, -1}, Heads -> True)

Implementation status

  • ✅ - full supported
