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PolarPlot(function, {t, tMin, tMax})

generate a JavaScript control for the polar plot expressions function in the t range {t, tMin, tMax}.



A polar coordinate system is a two-dimensional coordinate system in which each point on a plane is determined by a distance from a reference point and an angle from a reference direction.

This command shows an HTML page with a JavaScript parametric plot control.

>> PolarPlot(1-Cos(t), {t, 0, 2*Pi})

With JSForm you can display the generated JavaScript form of the PolarPlot function

>> PolarPlot(1-Cos(t), {t, 0, 2*Pi}) // JSForm

Here is a 5-blade propeller, or maybe a flower, using PolarPlot:

>> PolarPlot(Cos(5*t), {t, 0, Pi})

The number of blades and be change by adjusting the t multiplier. A slight change adding Abs turns this a clump of grass:

>> PolarPlot(Abs(Cos(5*t)), {t, 0, Pi})

Coils around a ring:

>> PolarPlot({1, 1 + Sin(20*t) / 5}, {t, 0, 2*Pi})

A spring having 16 turns:

>> PolarPlot(Sqrt(t), {t, 0, 16*Pi})

JSForm, Manipulate, ParametricPlot Plot, Plot3D

Implementation status

  • 🧪 - experimental
